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Air Pollution

Press Release: Unreliable Epidemiology Models Aid The War On Drivers

By 7th May 2020No Comments

Covid-19 continues to be shamelessly exploited by the anti-driver environmental lobby.

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health originally claimed (1) that every 1 millionth of a gramme per cubic metre increase in PM2.5 particulate matter in outdoor air increases Covid-19 death rates by 15%. The claim is bizarre given the fact that India and China have air pollution that is many times higher than the likes of the USA or the UK, but there is no hard evidence for any impact on Covid-19 death rates. Indeed, it is baffling as to how the Coronavirus death rate in India is so low (2). The Harvard study has been used by campaigners in the UK to attack motorised transport.

ABD Environment Spokesman Paul Biggs said: “Even in normal times the epidemiological evidence supporting adverse health effects due to PM2.5 in 21st century clean air is weak (3), but epidemiology has sunk to a new low in trying to statistically link Covid-19 with air pollution. Even though Harvard have quietly rolled back the claim from 15% to 8%, the Chair of the US Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee has stated that the Harvard model has no basis in reality (4). I suggest that anti-driver campaigners in the UK give Covid-19 and its victims the respect they deserve instead of using them in attempts to further political agendas.”


Notes for Editors

(1) Air pollution linked with higher Covid-19 death rates:

(2) India coronavirus: The ‘mystery’ of low Covid-19 death rates:

(3) Air quality and acute deaths in California, 2000-2012:

(4) Harvard quietly backtracks on air pollution-coronavirus deaths link:

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